Saturday, April 21, 2007

It Begins

So here I am, finally got my lazy self to write something.
My life so far has really been good with its ups and downs. All of us go through it and that single moment of happiness makes us forget all the trouble we had to bear to get there.
Now about myself, I am not usually used to writing about myself........dont know why?.......may be lack of self confidence:). but now exception to that rule.........
I like to dream about lot of things.....would like outdoors better than watching TV anytime, photography is my Hobby......... and I am always planing the next road trip or some adventure trip:)
now why have I started writing in a blog?.................
hmmmmm....... I m just bored nothing else to do!:) .....aha but its not like I m free , the workload is too much that I dont get do anything else.....
so I thought this would be a good way to get out all the crap lingering in my brain, so dont expect some extraordinary or sensible things written in this blog......and if it continues getting more crapier i may decide to change the blog name to Crap Log......anyone .....(i mean if anyone has manged to read so far upto this line......hmm u really did.....either u have absolutely nothing to do in this world or u really like me)can suggest to change it much b4 if need be.

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