Sunday, May 4, 2008

What is our Goal?

I have been wandering just like most of us what is our goal in life. Only difference was I was not thinking about just my own personal goal ..... I meant what is that common goal that all of us are after.
Wealth and success you would say....... not so cause the wealthiest are not always the happiest people. Its not worth being the most successful person and have no time for your self or to enjoy your wealth.
So it must be happiness that we are after? but still I was not satisfied with this answer not that I felt it is wrong but the word Happiness means different things to different people. This did not answer my question clearly but did make look in what i believe to be the right direction.

All of us want to be happy there is no doubt about that. It is just what makes us happy is different.

That brings to our question what makes people happy?

This question was answered at its fundamental level By Maslow in terms of Heirarchy of Needs!

I came up with one theory- We need following things to make us happy
To be loved and to love
Add value to ur life

Manage Our Life: What are important aspects of life?
Social status
These are some but there could be more for some people!

Now understanding what makes us happy and what are the aspects of happy life I propose the common goal of most of the people:
" Achieving our personal goals in Career , Education and Wealth while at the same time keeping our Family and friends happy, and developing our physical and spiritual side, is the complex balance we all try to maintain in our Life"